Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rain, Rain Go Away...Out of the darkness, I can see the light...

About a nine months ago, we here in Houston and in the surrounding areas, had lots of flooding and many good people were effected. After many months of rebuilding, we were hit again last week. Some of the same good people were effected yet again. This was and is a horrible situation not just for those poor people but also for Houston and our entire community. When one community hurts, we all seem to hurt and I stand by that. So I did what any good Houstonian would do, I reached out to those effected and I offered to help. 

Well yesterday and for the past week, I have spent my time in one of the beautiful area in the Houston areas, Sugar Land. I have been looking for rental homes for some of my dearest and long time friends that were effected by the floods. Obviously this by no means makes what they went through better but it is a small glimmer of light that will hopefully get their lives a little bit closer to normal for the time being. 

In Sugar Land there are really some great areas for example Greatwood, New Territory and Telfair
These areas are literally stunning and very well maintained. I remember touring these areas before they were fully developed and I could already see the potential. People then started flocking here because of the amazing schools, shopping areas and proximity to the city. I mean there was not one thing that Sugar Land does not bring to the table.  

Now the pièce de résistance is Telfair, a master planned community with its own Museum of Natural History. Sugar Land also has its own regional airport!! 

Well so although this is on going struggle for many people, I am just very happy that I can help out whomever I can and however I can. Please let me know if I can be of service. 

#liveinhoustonproperties  #liveinhoustonrentals  #realestate  #houston  #texasrealestate  #houstonproperties  

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