Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Exploration of Houston, Part 2 - The Other Side of Midtown

Yesterday was a great day. I started out the evening going to my favorite bars and home away from home, Byzantio, a Greek cafe and restaurant located just outside of midtown. I ran into a friend of mine who is just one of the sweetest lady girls in the world. 

 I also got to see some a couple of great guys as well, (no picture taken bc I forgot) my friends John and Stephen, grabbing a spirit on the countdown to school letting out for the summer. Then is was off to the next stop of the night, Axelrad. 

I had a chance to go to a new bar in town that really lived up to everything everyone had been talking about and I got to celebrate a real mensch in the community, Navid Zanjani.

Axelrad, 1517 Alabama, Houston, TX, is a great looking bar with LOTS of outdoor space. It serves beer, mostly and they are just now starting out with a margaritas. They have food right around the corner, a great ambiance and good looking people. I really enjoyed myself and now I know why everyone has been going there for months now. It is awesome. It is right on the other side of midtown, so close to everything, and it comes to you from some great local guys that have been doing wonders for the city with their brand of businesses. Thanks for helping make Houston fabulous guys!

The best part of the night was that I ran into my favorite childhood friend and fake-cousin, Patty. I had not seen her in a couple years. I don't know why, I guess people just get busy but I love her. 

While at Axelrad, well, I got hungry. So I decided to go and look for food. Luigi's Pizza is right around the corner and very tasty but I wanted a little something different. 
I found a crepes pop up shop that will soon be residing almost next door at a new coffee shop to be called, Retrospect Coffee. Here is a crepe-ista and what she had to say....

Houston has great things coming... Past, Present and Future, Houston is awesome. Stay tuned for my next travel around town. Remember Buy, Sell, Lease or Invest. I want to be your Realtor. 

#liveinhoustonproperties  #liveinhoustonrentals  #realestate  #houston  #texasrealestate  #houstonproperties 

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